AFC sport village

Our private beach area is the ultimate facility, designed for people
who put their health and well-being first, in a friendly and welcoming environment…


The Importance Of Physical Play

There are many advantages to incorporating physical education and physical play into children’s early years…


Since 2018 Provide equipment to clubs, shcools, organisation
To grant wishes that will give hope to children and youth in need in communities across the world…


Our beach soccer academy is endorsed by the UAE.

National Beach Soccer Team and is a fundamental pillar, supporting and preparing players for the World Cup and international competitions…


FOOTVOLLEY associates aspects of beach volleyball and football with the peculiarity that players are not allowed to use their hands to play.
It was founded in 1965 in Brazil, and has grown in popularity due to… professional Brazilian football players promoting it worldwide with celebrity events and matches.

Special Olympics

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing… opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage. experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts. skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community